Thursday, 14 July 2011

activity 6: SPEAKING

This activity can be done as a homework activity
SKILL: speaking
GROUPING: individual
ACTIVITY: write a short text describing your daily routines and record it
TIMING: 20 minutes

Create a personalised VOKI like the one introducing the final project with your own voice explaining your daily routines and log it into this blog.
Remember first to write down what you want to say, check the mistakes, and then read it aloud several times before recording it.

activity 5: WRITING

SKILL: practicing 3rd person -s, linking words
GROUPING: individual
ACTIVITY: write a composition describing what the protoagonist does when he goes to bed
TIMING: 25 minutes

Watch the video and write a short composition describing what Mr Bean does when he goes to bed:

Example: He brushes his teeth, then he brushes his ears.

activity 4: READING

SKILL: reading
GROUPING: individual
ACTIVITY: read the text and think three thinks you like and three you don't like
TIMING: 15 minutes

Read this text about what a boy from India does everyday and write down three things you like about his everyday life and three things you don't like about his life.  
Then if you would like to as Asan a question, you can do it at the bottom of the page. 


SKILL: practicing 3rd person -s, prepositions of time
GROUPING: individual
ACTIVITY: fill in the gaps
TIMING: 15 minutes
click on the link and do the three fill-in-the-gaps exercises:

activity 2: LISTENING

SKILL: practice vocabulary
GROUPING: whole class
ACTIVITY: name the actions of daily routines you see.
TIMING: 15 minutes

Go to this page and listen to the questions and answers about LOUISE's daily routines, then say if these sentences are True or False:

a. Louise weaks upt at half 7.30 _____
b. She has a cup of coffee for breakfast _____
c. Before breakfast she has a shower _____
d. She starts work at 9.00 _____
e. She has a big lunch _____
f. She goes home by bus _____
g. In the evening he watches TV _____
h. She has dinner at 8.00 _____
i. She goes to bed at 12.00 _____


SKILL: practice vocabulary
GROUPING: whole class
ACTIVITY: name the actions of daily routines you see
TIMING: 5/10 minutes

final project

Level: 2nd ESO beginning of the year
These activities should be done in two sessions.

-Value language and communication as a means for the understanding of the world.
-Achieve competence in foreign languages as a tool of learning of diverse contents, as a source of pleasure and as an opened door people and cultures
-Express oneself and understand orally, in writing or audiovisually.
-Listen and understand general and specific information, and express and interact in foreign language in usual situations of communication.
-Understand oral speeches and writings in the several contexts of the academic, social and cultural activities.

-Interpretation and understanding of oral messages in simple everyday interactions, using basic strategies such as identifying keywords, use of verbal and nonverbal context, and use of prior knowledge about the situation.
-Correspondence with people who speak the foreign language through regular mail, email and virtual communication.
-Understanding of oral, written and audiovisual messages
-Understanding of questions and messages sent within the classroom-related activities or personal activitiets.
-Getting general and specific information from simple oral texts and different types of audiovisual material.
-Understanding of general and specific information in text format and support of various types.
-Expression, of oral, written and audiovisual messages.
-Production of a coherent short oral texts with proper pronunciation.
-Identification and use of basic linguistic elements in the usual oral and written communication.
-Use of learning resources: dictionaries, reference books, media and digital material.
-Participation in the evaluation and use of auto-correction strategies of oral, written and audiovisual.
-Recognition and acceptance of failure as part of the learning process.s.

-Oral communication competence
-Data processing and digital competence
-Autonomy and personal initiative competence
-Learning to learn competence
-Social and civic competence

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

physical descrptions slideshow
Es tracta d'una activitat de warm-up per repassar les descriptions físiques de la cara (hair, eyes, face,...). Són descripcions molt curtes que poden anar fent els alumnes en veu alta suggerint nous adjectius a les imatges que van veient. Ideal per estar projectat per tota la classe alhora.

working with adverts (2)

A higher level option to work with adverts is this funny ad based on national identities. A fill-in-the-gaps exercise helps the student understand the script. It is also very useful for the students to create their own video adverts based on their own national identities and use irony.

working with adverts (1)

La segona activitat que proposo és un listening molt senzill d'un anunci real a partir del qual es pot extreure el guió per després crear anuncis del mateix estil i gravar-los en video i publicar-los al blog. Es tracta d'una activitat que podria ser per primer d'ESO o cicle superior de primària destinada a introduir el present simple amb like / don't like. L'anunci té diverses versions, es poden visualitzar totes per poder agafar idees.

webquest on english culture
He escollit una webquest perquè és una activitat per treballar en grup útil per les hores B on es pot treballar a l'aula d'ordinadors.
Aquesta webquest és útil per començar el curs ja que la temàtica és sobre la cultura anglesa i aclareix forces dubtes. La metodologia està molt ben explicada en l'apartat "tasques" de la webquest i es pot acabar fent una exposició oral del treball final. D'aquesta manera es treballa speaking, reading and writing. Les webquest solen ser activitats molt ben pautades on cada membre del grup té una tasca diferent i donen molta autonomia als alumnes alhora que es genera molt  d'"input".

estrella damm videoclip

I Wish That I Could See You Soon
I had to leave you in Galway
but i think about you every day
in the morning and in the afternoon
I wish that i could see you soon

and when i heard you i felt so fine
it was like there was
nothing left on my mind
it was like Rockaway Beach in the month of June
I wish that i could see you soon

I have no plans to meet you babe,
I had a million things to do babe,
But it hit my heart with a harpoon,
I wish that i could see you soon
-- The angels go
How long do you can't see her?
And i'm like - the sooner the better
do you really think she'll wait for you?
Well i have no way to say and there's nothing i can do
Well i have no way to say and there's nothing i can do

-- go!

(not i see?)

Now that i'm across the sea i wonder if
you're gonna wait for me
or if you're gonna find
a new boy to spoon
I wish that i could see you soon

And if you
wait a little my pretty friend
until I come back to hold your hand
would be like bugs when they break through the cocoon
you know
I wish that i could see you soon

It has been a while
since i felt like this
and now i've found someone i really miss
under the sun
under the moon
I wish that i could see you soon
-- Angels!
How long do you can't see her
And i'm like - the sooner the better
do you really think she'll wait for you?
And i'm like
there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
And there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
-- go!


How long do you can't see her
And i'm like, well, the sooner the better
do you really think she'll wait for you?
And i'm like
there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
And there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
And there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
no way to say and there's nothing i can do

a hilarious high school answering machine

it's incredible but it's real!
hi everybody! this is my first post, a bit too late but anyway, here we go!